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It is the 2nd month of my PhD, and the experience I’ve been through so far has inspired me to start this blog. Just recently I watched the movie "Interstellar" during one of my research breaks, a 2-3 hour window to re-charge and re-focus. Hence the image, but what got me really thinking was no matter how much I wanted a bit of escapism, there is in fact none.

Even the dialogue was hinting towards my PhD journey - Cooper, the movie's hero, a former Nasa pilot is given a lifelong oppurtunity to venture into space and time and when destiny comes calling, muses;

“We’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements."

As such, I hope to take you on my own "Interstellar" journey, minus the encountering of blackholes! Well that's the idea and take you with me on the existing and challenging journey around the PhD world and gave you an insight into my research "Emerging Technologies and Innovative Practice for Historic Building Conservation; Future Skills Challenges".

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